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Voter registration

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Letter of invitation

Each voter receives a personal letter of invitation from the College of Mayor and Aldermen or the Municipal College. This letter states the address of the polling station where the voter must go.

Voting by proxy

Voters need to cast their vote in person. Some voters may however vote by proxy, delegating their voting power to a representative, to enable a vote in absence.

  • Voters who are unable to get to the polling station due to illness or infirmity. This incapacity needs to be proven by a medical certificate;
  • Voters who are unable to get to the polling station due to professional or service reasons, which are to be certified by the employer;
  • Voters who exercise the profession of boatmaster, travelling or fairground merchant whose family resides with them. The exercise of these professions must be attested by a certificate issued by the Mayor of their municipality, available at the population register;
  • Voters who are incarcerated on the day of the election, as certified by the head of the institution where they have been incarcerated;
  • Voters who, because of their religious beliefs, are unable to get to the polling station, as attested by a certificate issued by the religious authority;
  • Voters who are unable to get to the polling stations for study reasons, as attested by a certificate issued by the governing body of the school institution;
  • Voters who are absent from their residence on the day of the election because of a temporary stay abroad for non-professional reasons. In this case, a request must be submitted to the population register no later than fifteen (15) days before the elections. If the request is accepted, they will receive a certificate which grants dispensation for voting in person. Si la demande est acceptée, il recevra un certificat qui le dispensera d'aller voter en personne.

Each proxy may only hold one proxy vote. The proxy form is available at the municipal authority (population register) and on the regional election website. The proxy holder must vote in the polling station where the voter was intended to vote.

For more information:

Last modification: 2024-07-15 17:46:26